Information about
Pembrokeshire Hunt

Who to contact

The Pembrokeshire hunts on a Saturday and Tuesday on horse and on Thursday on foot

If you would like to follow the Pembrokeshire you should contact the secretary who can tell you how much it will cost (the Cap) and advise you where to park as well as who the Master will be on that day.

The Pembrokeshire Hunt Secretary is Mrs Gill Wilson.


Alternatively, if you already know the Master for the particular day you wish to attend, you can contact them directly.


Please ask the Secretary or Master for advice about parking. They will usually direct you to a farmyard or off-road parking near to the meet. You always have to ask permission to park in people’s yards unless it has been pre-arranged on the day. Ask the secretary if there is someone you should call.

Car followers should display their hunt-supporters membership car-sticker on their front windscreen and should allow other traffic past and respect mown verges.

What to wear

All hunt followers try to look as smart as possible at least at the beginning of the day! This to show respect to the people who allow the hunt on their land, so just as you dress smartly to go to an event in someone’s house, we dress smartly to cross their land.

The essential dress includes the following:

Hacking jacket (tweed, blue or black), riding hat with a black, blue or brown velvet cover, black or brown boots, cream jodhpurs, stock or tie (if wearing tweed) and gloves; body protectors can be worn over jackets. Spurs and garters are also considered ‘correct’ but are optional if your horse is not used spurs. A riding mac or wax coat is permitted on very wet days and newcomers, trying hunting, are welcome to wear one.

Horse turnout:

Horses should be clean for the Meet, again out of respect for the host and the tradition we are taking part in. After ‘Opening Meet’ most people try to plait their horse’s mane and some people like to plait the tail as well and fold it up out of the mud. Tack and saddle cloths and girths should be brown, black or cream.

Visitors from another pack are welcome to wear their own jackets with their button and colours.

Red coats are worn by gentlemen who have been given their hunt buttons either by this pack or if they are visitors from another pack where the red coat is a tradition. When Red Coats are worn, then white jodhpurs and other traditional items such as mahogany top boots, garters and white gloves should be adopted.

Hunt Buttons

Members will be awarded their hunt buttons by one of the joint masters when they have become regular followers and often are awarded them as a ‘thank you’ for extra help given to the hunt. When awarded your buttons you obtain them from a local stockist, then sew them onto your jacket.



Pembrokeshire  Hunt News/Events

Hunting - At the heart of the community

Hunting in Pembrokeshire is at the heart of the rural and equestrian community. Our traditions go back centuries, but we are still as relevant to everyday life in the country as we always have been. Our hounds may, until repeal, hunt trails but in all other respects hunting life goes on. Our hunt staff fulfil an essential service in removing fallen stock and our links with farmers are unshakable. In return we value and respect the great privilege we have of being allowed to cross such amazing countryside. Our followers provide direct and indirect employment to many people in the county, from farriers, vets, grooms, livery yards to tack shops and pubs, investing significant amounts of money annually in the local economy. The Pembrokeshire Hunt will soon be moving to its new home and we hope that you’ll join us in this exciting chapter of our history.

John Manners-Bell
Chairman, Hunt Supporters Club



Membership of the Pembrokeshire Hunt Supporters Club costs just £10. In return we’ll keep you up to date with events and news with a regular newsletter. You’ll receive a car sticker which you can display proudly at meets and events and receive discounts off Hunt merchandise.


This is the official website of The Pembrokeshire Hunt to inform all our supporters of our social events.
